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Project Details
Life Size Manikin Sculpture
By: Thomas Creighton
Thomas created this Life Size Manikin Sculpture using a live female model.
The first step in his artistic process is creating a cast in multiple parts, torso, limbs and the head and then reconstruct the casted model on the metal table.
The next step in this process is cutting the 5/16” mild steel rings into various sizes which are rolled and cut into random length. These pieces are then placed and welded over the cast until a distinct shape unfolds, and the cast is eventually destroyed. The back side of every weld is also welded.
Then the entire surface is ground and blended to create a flat surface to clean up all the welded sections.
The last step in the creation of this Life Sized Manikin Sculpture is sandblasting and powder coating, which gets rid of any final burrs and sharp edges.
Thomas is currently hoping to do more life size sculptures like this and is looking for models who are willing to be a part of this artistic process.
If you’d like to participate, please head over to our contact form and say Hi.